
Invitation to join my NAMI Walk Team

On Sunday May 22, instead of spending our anniversary weekend out of town with my sweet spouse (by then, of 29 years), I will be participating in the annual fundraiser for NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, on Vera Katz Eastbank Esplanade, starting at SE Main/Water. I invite you to join me.

Come and walk with me, and/or donate to support this great event. Register to walk with me here. To make a donation to sponsor my team, visit here.

NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, is the largest education, support and advocacy organization serving the needs of all whose lives are touched by these illnesses. This includes persons living with mental illness, their families, friends, neighbors, employers, health care providers, law enforcement staff, and policy makers. The national NAMI organization is composed of approximately 1100 local affiliates, 50 state offices and a national office.

The goals of the NAMIWalks program are: to fight the stigma that surrounds mental illness, to build awareness of the fact that the mental health system in this country needs to be improved, and to raise funds for NAMI to continue their mission.

NAMI is a 501(c)3 charity and any donation you make is tax deductible. NAMI has been rated by Worth magazine as among the top 100 charities “most likely to save the world”, and has been given an “A” rating by The American Institute of Philanthropy for efficient and effective use of charitable dollars.

Thank you in advance for your support.

In partnership with Sunrise Premiums, the NAMI Northwest Walk will be rewarding all teams raising $1,000 or more online in support of the 2011 Walk by awarding a fully-transferable voucher good for a 3-day, 2-night hotel stay at any one of the following locations: Orlando, Ft. Lauderdale, Williamsburg, Daytona Beach, Massanutten, Atlantic City, Cape Cod, Hilton Head, Lake Tahoe, Sedona, Branson, Las Vegas, Puerto Vallarta, Big Island of Hawaii.

This voucher is good for a year from date of issue with a value of up to $400, and pays for the hotel (with complementary breakfast) at a destination of the winner’s choice. If the team reaches the $1,000 goal, our voucher will be given to the volunteer raising the most money for NAMI through the Walk.

I hope you will participate in this worthy event.

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