Next Up at City Council, September 5 – 6, 2007
Yikes, that’s tomorrow! If I had to function as a single parent all the time, instead of just occasionally when Steve’s away, I would not have time to write this blog. The most…
Oregon AFL-CIO Buy Union and Do Not Patronize lists
The NW Labor Press reported in August that the Oregon AFL-CIO has added Circuit City to its Unfair/Do Not Patronize List. The American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) is the biggest…
Happy Labor Day
Hooray for Oregon, the first state to make Labor Day an official holiday celebrating workers! Legislation was passed here in 1887, five years after the first Labor Day tribute to workers was celebrated…
Appalachian State!
Yesterday saw one of the biggest upsets of all time in college football, when little Appalachian State beat mighty Michigan in Ann Arbor. As noted on KUGN (Ducks radio in Eugene) after our…
Citizen Communication strategies that work
Guest Post by Victor von Salza, Bridlemile resident Victor is an active participant in the Bridlemile Neighborhood Association and Bridlemile Creek Stewards in SW Portland. He chairs the Bridlemile neighborhood’s Communications Committee. This…
Flying off, or heading home?
Labor Day weekend – the end of summer, or the start of the next adventure? Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.
High School web page entirely in Latin
Wow, maybe the standard of education is higher in Washington state after all. In checking yesterday to find the address of Rainier High School for my nephew’s first game at quarterback for Northwest…
Finally! An airline shows some common sense
AOL Travel reports that Southwest Airlines is experimenting with having families with small children board last, instead of first. I always remembered humorist Dave Barry’s comment, in the days when I traveled with…
Burning Man founder Larry Harvey
Steve took this photo when Larry Harvey spoke at City Repair earlier this year. His Thought for the Day is worth re-reading, on this the day the Man burns (again).