Crime trends by neighborhood
KATU’s Anna Song has reviewed five years of neighborhood crime statistics to give analysis beyond the raw data. Although the neighborhoods with the highest number of burglaries were Lents, Powellhurst-Gilbert and Centennial, all in outer SE Portland, per capita rates were higher in Forest Park in NW, Boise in inner North Portland, and Bridgeton near the airport on the Columbia River.
For car prowl and theft reports, downtown Portland, Hazelwood (in outer NE) and Lents tally the most incidents. “Between 2002 and 2006, the three areas had a total of 14,270 such crimes and those are just the ones police know about.” But “If you factor in population, to get the per capita rate of car breakins and stolen cars, you find higher rates of these crimes in Buckman-West, Hollywood and Sunderland. Buckman-West has 203 car crimes per 1,000 people, Hollywood has 106 per 1,000 and Sunderland has 105 per 1,000.” Buckman is in inner SE, Hollywood inner NE, Sunderland the mostly-industrial neighborhood along the Columbia in North Portland.
I find this analysis interesting because it challenges perceptions of outer SE and inner N/NE Portland neighborhoods being magnets for crime in Portland. And also perhaps creates some new misconceptions. The “per capita” rate for Sunderland, for example, is doubtless influenced by the fact that very few people actually live there. Are the car break-ins in Hollywood those of residents, or of folks coming from elsewhere to shop? Statistics, statistics. They can be useful, but they often seem to generate as many questions as answers.
The series continues on KATU’s news broadcasts tonight at 5 p.m. and 11 p.m., looking at the numbers for aggravated assaults and larceny. Their web site article includes a few tips on ways to avoid being part of the crime statistics. You’ll find much more information on the Office of Neighborhood Involvement’s Crime Prevention and resources pages.