In Memory of Deputy Sheriff Ernest Loll
On the east side of SW 35th, by the junction with SW Arnold Street, sits a monument. Its inscription reads, “In memory of Deputy Sheriff Ernest C. Loll, who gave his life in…
The Stonehenge replica in Washington, built as a tribute to the soldiers of Klickitat County who lost their lives in World War I. The location now also includes monuments to the soldiers of…
Good things happen, too
Tragedies make headlines. Good things are often reported in tiny paragraphs buried where people may not notice them. Here are a couple of recent successes in our community, providing assistance to hungry people:…
Lovely outcomes to Wilson ’07 Senior Prank
Students led by Maggie Collins, and community members worked together at Wilson High School this morning to repair the “damage” done to a previously-neglected grass courtyard by a Senior Prank. As my phone…
Next Up at City Council, 5/31/07
Wow, this is unusual for the end of May: On Wednesday morning, there is no meeting “due to the lack of a quorum”, and on Wednesday afternoon there is no meeting “due to…
Barbie’s Dream Cache
Geocaching is a little like searching for the Rose Festival medallion, except instead of written clues, players hunt using Global Positioning System (GPS) coordinates. And there isn’t just one medallion – anyone can…
“Vision” for “Learning Portland”
Here are the proposed Vision statements for “Learning Portland”: • Portland is a world-class educational community, and is a leader in higher education. • We are a city that is passionate about different…
“Vision” for “Economic Portland”
Thank you to all who commented either on the site or via e-mail on whether we do or should care about VisionPDX. On balance, I think I and others should know what’s in…