Regional Livability Summit
The Coalition for a Livable Future’s 5th Annual Regional Livability Summit, Leading Sustainable and Equitable Development in the 21st Century Creating Collaborations for Action is at Portland State University Smith Center Ballroom, this…
Partnerships and individuals make a difference
Guest Post by Alesia J. Reese, Woodland Park Neighborhood Association resident The Reynolds School Board agreed last week to support the acquisition of land at 162nd Avenue and Halsey Street for public use.…
Why care about Zimbabwe?
In five minutes, this BBC World summary will give you basic information about current controversy surrounding President Robert Mugabe, and the history of Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) since the end of British colonial rule…
Looks like fun
Once every few years, Steve has a “We should get a boat” thought. And we talk about where we would keep it, and how much we would use it, and what it might…
Biofuels – not a panacea
George Seldes, in an Onward Oregon post titled, “Why subsidizing biofuels is a disastrous mistake”, links to two fascinating articles challenging the sustainability of biofuels, one from Britain, the other by a US…
Next Up at City Council, 4/18-19/07 – or maybe not
Well, this is unusual. The Agenda for next week’s Portland City Council meetings doesn’t seem to have been posted on PortlandOnLine. Even the link which “goes to the current agenda for the next…
Guest post, guest on the post
By Larry Sabin, who says, “This is on the bike path going toward Oaks Park. She’d better not be there when Big Daddy gets home”. Not exactly what the good folks at PGE…
Here, but not really
I am at the Oregon Nurses Association Convention in Eugene today. This and earlier posts today have been put up automatically by the site’s scheduler. Next Up at City Council will be delayed…
Simply not simple
While researching my post yesterday on the audit in the Police bureau that hasn’t happened two years after it was approved and funded, I came across this long but fascinating “National Cops Evaluation…
Historic Preservation in Buckman & Brooklyn
I had a great time at the Buckman Community Association (BCA) last night, with David Wang and Bob Ball discussing proposed changes for Portland’s Charter with the good folks of BCA. Thank you…