Blah blah blah… DISPOSAL??!!
Tomorrow’s City Council agenda for Wednesday morning ends with an innocent-sounding item, so bland I didn’t highlight it in Next Up at City Council. 431 Accept report from the Parks Bureau on Total…
Measure 37 mega-claims coming up
This Thursday afternoon, 4/26/07 at 2 p.m., the Portland City Council will vote on the Measure 37 claim of William Lobdell (pdf). He’s asking for $1,405,000 or waiver of environmental and tree-cutting restrictions…
Revisions in Parks sponsorship/naming policies
Revised proposals by Portland Parks & Recreation (PPR) staff for new Sponsorship and Naming policies are now posted on line. Comments will be taken on line until April 30, 5 p.m. (Pet Peeve:…
Capitol curves
The Capitol Highway off-ramp from I-5 south, taken from the pedestrian bridge behind the Barbur Transit Center. The latter is home of a wonderful mural that is less expensive to commission and maintain…
How much is nine trillion?
The federal debt is approaching the $9 trillion “limit” set by Congress in May 2006. It’s rising so fast, there’s an online clock that tells you your share of the money owed. Former…
Portland’s brilliant Charter
Under the current and proposed Charter (pdf), the Mayor gets to appoint three Commissioners to the Civil Service Board. This Board hears complaints and appeals about the City’s hiring and promotion practices, and…
Welcome to the week
So you’re at your desk, instead of at Multnomah Falls. Maybe it’s still good to be reminded this beauty will likely be there when you make time to visit.
The Missing Link
One of the many things I’ve learned since I started this blog, is how easy it is to add bias in reporting, in the simple act of choosing which links to insert in…
Earth Day thoughts from Denis Hayes
Adapted from the speech of Earth Day co-founder Denis Hayes at the Coalition for A Livable Future’s Regional Summit last Thursday. I took notes, then wrote them up into cohesive paragraphs. The speech…