Portland School Board candidates
I attended the forum at Portland Public Schools’ headquarters last night, along with more than 50 other citizens. Taped coverage will be shown on Channel 28 every Tuesday and Thursday at 6:30 p.m.,…
Vote No on 26-91, No on all 4
The final post in the thrilling four part series, following Vote No on 26-89, Vote No on 26-90, and Vote No on 26-92. Top Three Reasons to Vote No on Measure 26-91: 1.…
Vote No on Measure 26-92
I’m skipping out of order in reviewing the proposed Portland City Charter changes, instead of posting on 26-91, because there is so little information anywhere about the other three measures. Citizens will receive…
The School Board needs Ruth Adkins more than ever
Yesterday’s announcement by Portland Public Schools Superintendent Vicki Phillips of her impending departure in a more lucrative career move, gives even more compelling reasons to elect Ruth Adkins to the Portland School Board.…
Blowing a fuse
There is so much inaccurate information in reviews of the four ballot measures in this week’s newspaper endorsements by Willamette Week and the Mercury (yes, even the Mercury – all hope is lost),…
Vote No on Measure 26-90
The top three reasons to Vote No on Measure 26-90, Civil Service Charter changes: 1. It increases potential for political patronage, favoritism, and corruption in Portland’s city government, by greatly increasing the number…
Nice catch, Dan!
I spent the morning at Portland City Council’s Wednesday morning session. The meeting was called to order five minutes late, as usual. Two impressive 17 year-olds then answered Mayor Potter’s regular question, “How…