The R word in the news
Important article in The Oregonian today: Nikole Hannah-Jones provides a needed Portland perspective on the disgraceful treatment of the outstanding Roosevelt High School basketball team during their splendid performance at the Oregon State…
Next Up at City Council, 3/21-22, 2007
Let’s consider what Portland City Council’s agenda for next week would look like if the proposed change in the form of government passes. There are 29 resolutions and ordinances that I believe would…
Winter Woes
Maxwell was supposed to be home from New Jersey by now, but almost all flights out of Newark were canceled Friday afternoon and early Saturday morning. Thursday they had 70 degree sunshine, Friday…
Environmental Justice conference
This is the meeting I’ll be attending tomorrow morning: Environmental Justice Advocates: Environmental Justice – IS IT ALL TALK? Registration at 8:30 am, program through 5 p.m. – attend all or part Salvation…
Now this is how to talk about Vision
Tomorrow morning: Filling In The City: Some Perspectives on Infill Development A conversation with neighborhoods, small business, developers, policymakers, builders, architects, the green community, and preservationists. Saturday March 17th, 2007 9 AM to…
BREAKING NEWS: Developer puts flag on building
An American flag. Stop the presses! What’s up with The Oregonian‘s fixation for Joe Weston? The guy got more publicity from The O this week than I did this time last March, when…
Do we still need the US Mail Service? Yes!
Earlier this week, Blue Oregon posted the question, “Would you let your pizza guy deliver your paycheck, or your ballot?”. It references a guest column in the Beaverton Valley Times, by US Mail…