More on the Portland School Board
Interesting article in Willamette Week today, about a $4,000 contract from PPS to a freelance journalist to write positive stories about schools in the district. “Interesting” most of all, because two incumbent Board…
Terrorist Bananas
This post suggested by my daughter Ali, who wrote the first part for the amazing Mr. Marchese’s junior year Government class at Wilson High School. It’s the topic of her “Current Event” for…
“Nice place you have here”
Steve took this photo this past weekend, at the Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge.
And you thought you had a bad day
A story from Juneau, Alaska, by the Associated Press via MSNBC: “Perhaps you know that sinking feeling when a single keystroke accidentally destroys hours of work. Now imagine wiping out a disk drive…
A Ruthless School Board
… or a submissive School Board, is not as good as a School Board with Ruth Adkins! Remember a decade or so ago, when the cuts required by Measure 5 were really starting…
Peace-lovin’ Cops
Guest photo by Larry Sabin, taken at the Peace March on Sunday. Larry says all the cops on motorbikes gave the peace sign to the marchers, but he was only able to capture…
How much will it cost?
I don’t understand why the four ballot measures proposing to change Portland’s Charter aren’t required to include an estimate of the costs should they pass. Take the form of government measure (please). Even…
The Oregonian offers more editorial nonsense today, opining that an obviously-flawed Public Campaign Financing system should have been put to a vote of the people in Portland – and also that the first…