South Waterfront liens, This Morning at City Council
I attended City Council this morning, to hear the explanation from the Auditor’s Office Office of Management and Finance (OFM) regarding the issue of liens in South Waterfront. It was on the Consent…
Problem-solving Courts
The League of Women Voters of Portland‘s monthly meeting in March was a visit to the Multnomah County Courthouse. Six judges gave up their lunch break to tell us about specialized “problem-solving courts”,…
This is a difficult one, but does anyone want to take a guess at which building it is? Hint: I’ve picketed outside it.
Safe Nurses, Safety for Nurses
The Portland Tribune carried a Peter Korn article last week on Senator Avel Gordly’s call for changes in oversight of licensed nursing practitioners (Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Certified Nursing Assistants, and others)…
Is there even one?
The opening band at the City Repair event last Saturday was Sneakin’ Out. I think the last time I was so impressed with the performance of a band I hadn’t previously heard of,…
Pink Petals and Pups for Portland
Check out the nice doggy’s nose… adorable. I think I’m on to something, in linking kittens and puppies with the value of keeping Portland’s Charter with accountability for elected officials in the Commission…
Big money, big business…
…big trouble for ordinary people in Portland Anna Griffin’s article on Charter reform in today’s Oregonian reports Scott Andrews, president of Melvin Mark Properties and a former chairman of the Portland Business Alliance,…
One word in green paint captured a lot of attention for important issues over the past couple of weeks. Willamette Week reported on Wilson High School students using washable paint, with teachers’ permission,…
Burnside Bridge blossoms
It turned out to be a beautiful weekend in the Rose City, and Steve harvested a bumper crop of lovely photographs. Unless something more urgent intervenes, we’ll have a series of blossom images…
Larry Harvey’s Thought for the Day
Larry Harvey, founder of Burning Man, spoke last night at the debut of City Repair’s new event space on N. Vancouver, near the Rose Quarter. He said many interesting things about the culture…