Would this happen under a Chief Administrative Officer?
In a recent post on Commissioner Sam’s blog, “One Constituent Can Make A Difference”, staffer Vicki Grudzinski tells one story of how having City Commissioners responsible for city bureaus gives citizens more access…
Fort Rock
Fort Rock, off Highway 31 near Bend. Note the baked sand and drying out sagebrush. If you visit this summer, check out nearby Hole-in-the-Ground, if only so you can tell all your friends…
Two months later
As promised in the plan of my Two Week Review, the following is an assessment of this blog after two months in operation, covering Portland A-Z and a lot more. Friends and regular…
Good Oregonian Article on School Funding Equity
Please read Paige Parker’s inPortland section article today about the impact of moving the “Odyssey” magnet program from Chapman Elemenatary School in NW Portland into Hayhurst, in SW. Because of the influx of…
Stairway to Heaven Lane
This photo was taken on the gravel road east of Steens Mountain in Harney County. Our family spends a weekend camping near there, every summer. A 1997 issue of National Geographic said no…