Warm Springs reservation
The wild beauty of the Warm Springs reservation always sings to my soul. Like standing by the Pacific Ocean, just being there never fails to thrill this city girl from Yorkshire, England. History…
Keep Censorship in Portland’s Charter
That, apparently, is the recommendation of the Charter Review Commission. The one they asked Council today to send to voters, to allow citizens to vote on it. Included in their proposed version is…
What good public process would look like
I just e-mailed the following to Council, and will testify this afternoon in support of my proposal. Dear Mayor Potter and Commissioners, Please don’t send anything to voters after the public hearing this…
“Potter says the council is OK with sending three changes — including stronger City Hall oversight of the city’s redevelopment agency — to voters.” ~ from today’s Oregonian This makes me SO angry!…
Mt Jefferson winter sunset
We used to go to Kah-nee-ta at least once a year, when our children were younger. The three-hour drive is long enough to be an excursion, short enough to be feasible for a…
Don MacGillivray, who is on the board of Street Roots (see post below), sent me a link to this RenĂ©e Mitchell article from today’s Oregonian. It talks about the Arbor Mobile Home Park…
Outside is frightful
Oh the weather outside is frightful, But the fire is so delightful, And since we’ve no place to go…. Torridjoe’s comment on the Sit-lie ordinance post below, and his reference to Rocket Poetry,…
YOU (and I) may not apply
Two interesting positions are posted on the City’s Recruitment & Selection web page. Both are “limited” – only current city employees may apply. One is a Management Assistant to help with revisions to…
Sit-lie ordinance postponed
The Council’s hearing on the proposed ordinance prohibiting sitting or lying on downtown sidewalks was held over until next week, “to allow additional testimony” according to the Mayor. I can’t find a link…
The other side of the mountain
Steve and I went on a road trip this past weekend. We stayed at Kah-nee-ta, taking advantage of their “Fall dinner package” (no direct link – click on “Accommodations” then on “Promotions”) which…