Charter Review comments
Don MacGillivray submitted an insight on the Strong Mayor Charter Review Commission proposal, which has taken me several days to rescue from misdirection by my web site’s spam feature. It’s now posted, and…
Beauty over PDX
Today is the last day of winter break for my college-student sons. One will be flying nonstop to Newark on Continental‘s five-hour red-eye, a bargain at $167 including taxes. Did everyone except me…
Civil Service rules – NOT DULL! Really!
In the thrilling third part of this gripping four installment review of the Charter Review Commission’s proposed changes to Portland’s City Charter, I will clearly explain breathtaking insights and facts that you, the…
One Reason not to move I-5 South
Obviously this photo was taken from above the freeway, but it’s similar to the gorgeous view of our lovely river and downtown skyline from I-5 South on the east side. Every time I…
Next Up at City Council 01/10-11/2007
The item most interesting to me on next week’s Portland City Council agenda will have a Public Hearing at 2 p.m. on Thursday, January 11. Revise provisions relating to prohibited conduct in Parks…
Oregon – Red State in ’08!
Woo hoo! Now that I have your attention, here’s why it might be A Good Thing if Oregon is a red state in December 2008: Thirty-five years ago, there was no set system…
Norma Paulus at the Alliance
The first Wednesday of the month will often find me lunching at the Alliance of the First Unitarian Church, downtown on SW 12th. Yesterday’s speaker was Norma Paulus, talking mostly about the Oregon…
Hawthorne Bridge
Sharon Wood Wortman’s Bridges states the average daily traffic on the Hawthorne is 30,500, and that owner Multnomah County spent $21m for renovations in 1998-9. New marking to delineate bike and pedestrian lanes…
UK pays off WWII debt to US
This item has almost no direct local relevance; it’s posted simply because I find it interesting. The BBC reports that on the last working day of December 2006, Britain paid $83.25m to the…