
Teenage Wisdom

“Life seems better when you have someone to laugh with and get lots of hugs”

Alessandra Pamela Fritz, age 16

Ali made this comment during one of last week’s snow days. We were walking home from Starbucks after making the one-mile expedition there, just because walking in the snow was beautiful, good exercise, and fun. Significantly, she said it while putting emergency fortifications on her heel, over a bleeding raw open blister the size of a quarter – the natural consequence of having to wear last year’s outgrown boots in the first storm of the winter. “Life seems better” isn’t necessarily accompanied by absence of pain. “Better” is relative.

Today, I’m thinking Life seems better when…

…you had a good night’s sleep after a hard day’s work

… you get to talk to your mom on the phone for 45 minutes

… you found someone to work your shift this afternoon, so you can stay home and watch two games on the second-to-last day of NFL football before the long wait until fall

How about for you? What makes life seem better for you, today?