
Landscaping SW Naito Parkway

i.e., Hardscaping SW Naito Parkway

The SW Naito Parkway Reconstruction Project began in March 2006. The web site says “most construction completed by December 31, 2006, with new added work completed by January 14, 2007. Final paving will be completed by May 2007.”

It looks like they’re a little behind schedule, although today the reader board on the I-5 off-ramp says northbound Naito will re-open January 13. I’m more concerned about the sections that seem to be completed. This is a phone-camera photo of the existing center median – very obviously not taken by maestro Steve, but by me holding the phone out of the car window. Note these photos are illustrations rather than art (sorry if the tilt of the second one makes you dizzy).

Notice the ivy groundcover in the center median. Every time I’ve passed through during the construction, I’ve thought to myself, “I hope they take out the ivy while they’re at it”. Ivy is invasive – you can see it growing up the trees, and it needs to be hacked back frequently. It creates a “green desert” – nothing else can grow with it, and it doesn’t provide habitat for native bugs or birds. Ivy is Bad with a capital B.

Well, be careful what you wish for. Here’s the new look of SW Naito Parkway:

Note the complete absence of anything green in the median, and no place to plant anything green, either. Just the trees in their tree-wells topped with gravel, and pavers. This is unfortunate, for two reasons. One, the ivy was at least taking up stormwater and giving out oxygen in photosynthesis. Pavers don’t do either, and they don’t filter pollutants the way a well-designed planted median would. This is a huge missed opportunity for innovative, special landscaping that could have added beauty and natural resource values in one of Portland’s most visible locations.

And two, the ivy was stopping or greatly discouraging pedestrians from making dangerous mid-block crossings. The new hardscaping will surely result in more people not using the crosswalks.

Plus, c’mon, it’s supposed to be Naito Parkway. Does this look like a park to you?

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