
Wanna buy a Taser?

Did you know that the current form of Taser “stun guns” was developed for sale direct to citizens, and only later marketed for use by law enforcement officers? That they are not classified as firearms by the US government and so most states do not require bearers to carry a permit? Oregon State law, ORS 163.213 doesn’t regulate your ability to purchase a Taser, and the “crime of unlawful use of an electrical stun gun” is defined as using it only against another person, knowing the other person to be a peace officer, corrections officer, parole and probation officer, firefighter or emergency medical technician or paramedic and while the other person is acting in the course of official duty. SB 956 in the 2005 Legislature proposed to allow School Boards to make possession of a “stun gun” in schools a Class C felony; this element was part of the wider proposed prohibition of handguns in schools, and died in committee.

Calling this brand (Taser company full history and audit) and these types of products “stun guns” is misleading. They don’t knock a person out like a Vulcan Nerve Pinch, where the victim slides gently into unconsciousness. One of my coworkers, a Vietnam Vet who goes skydiving for fun and has endured numerous injuries and surgeries, volunteered to be Tasered during training with security officers at OHSU. “The most painful thing I’ve ever experienced” was his verdict. Amnesty International has been reporting significant concerns for some time about the use of Tasers in interrogation, intimidation, and torture; fewer signs of injury are left after its use, unlike cuts, bruises, and bullet holes.

And the public perception and company marketing of Tasers being “non-injurious” is not true. More than 150 deaths following Taser use have been investigated in the US. Its use on people who are under the influence of drugs seems significantly more dangerous and likely to cause cardiac arrest.

The City of Portland does regulate “stun gun” use by citizens, limiting it to “self defense” in 14A.60.030 Tear Gas and Stun Guns, but the only limitations on who may possess one are those convicted of any felony, and anyone under 18. It is unlawful to sell “stun guns” within the city.

The BBC is reporting the cost of Tasers in retail sales to citizens is about to drop significantly from the current price of around $1,000 – but with the first click of my Google search, I found a 50,000 volt Air-Taser with a sale price of $400, available with next-day delivery. This is very disturbing to me. I worry that use of Tasers by criminals will increase, and so will Taser-related deaths.