Portland A-Z
This blog is about issues I find interesting in Portland, Oregon. Its subtitle is “Portland A-Z” because the main focus is the city of Portland and the people who live, work, and play here, and I aim to be widely inclusive in encouraging everyone to feel welcome to read and comment.
Also, my older son pointed out in an epic Mother’s Day poem a few years ago that my name starts with an A, and ends with a Z.
As I’ve started writing articles, I realize that many of my posts will be longer than typical blog entries. I aim to delve into issues in detail, as often core policies are carried out (or not) in those details. Explaining complicated issues often can’t be done in a paragraph or two, and I make no apologies for refusing to dumb it down. I believe Portlanders deserve adequate, accurate information and are very capable of understanding and digesting it.
This blog is about Portland and its relationships with Oregon, the United States, and the world, from Amanda Fritz’s perspective.