Following the Money in Parks
Citywide Parks Team Meeting
Thursday, April 19, 2007
7:00 – 8:30 pm
Portland City Hall
Rose Room (3rd Floor)
1221 SW 4th Ave
Topic: Issues Related to Park Operating Levy
As part of the 2007-08 budget process, City Council is considering several options that could eliminate the need for Portland Parks to go to the voters in November 2008 for another operating levy to cover park maintenance. Our guests will be Fred Kowell, the Financial Manager for Portland Parks, and Keith Thomajan from the Portland Parks Board. Fred will explain the three options being considered by City Council — and how they could make it unnecessary to go for another park operating levy. Keith, who has been chairing the Parks Board’s Levy Subcommittee, will address the issue of why it would be advantageous NOT to try for a new levy in November 2008.
Park System Development Charges (SDCs), which was originally scheduled for April has been rescheduled for June. Riley Whitcomb asked that the topic be postponed, due to some delays in the schedule of the SDC Update Task Force. He will discuss (SDCs) — how and where they are generated; how and where they are disbursed.
The topic of Disposal of Park Land, which had to be postponed in March due to illness, has been rescheduled for the May meeting, with Joe Baybado (Parks Property Manager) and Janet Bebb (Park Planning) as the speakers.
The Portland Citywide Parks Team is an ad hoc citizens group. Monthly meetings provide a forum for information-sharing and an exchange of ideas — and for respectful discourse on park issues and policies. Meetings also provide opportunities to network with others who are working and volunteering to make Portland’s parks even better than they are today. It’s citizen-initiated, citizen-led, citizen-owned, and intended for all Portlanders who care about getting things done in and for parks in Portland. You can also sign up for the group’s e-mail listserve by sending a blank email message here.
The Citywide Parks Team meetings are open to anyone. The group doesn’t have designated members or a formal committee structure. Interested individuals are encouraged to drop in whenever they can. It’s a self-selected, ever-changing group that meets monthly, from 7:00 to 8:30 pm on the third Thursday, in the Rose Room at City Hall. Attendance has ranges from 5 to 40+ people, depending on the topic.
P.S. from Amanda – these two meetings, third Thursdays in April and May, may not cover everything you always wanted to know about parks funding and were afraid to ask – but the staff working most closely on the issues, and citizens following them most carefully, will be there for an open review and discussion. Please join us.