Why care about Zimbabwe?
In five minutes, this BBC World summary will give you basic information about current controversy surrounding President Robert Mugabe, and the history of Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia) since the end of British colonial rule in 1980. I remember clipping a newspaper article about Rhodesia’s unilateral declaration of independence for my weekly current affairs homework in grade school, in 1965. If you prefer, here’s the official CIA information – at least the part we’re allowed to know.
Why should we in the United States care about people in Zimbabwe? One reason is to avoid repeating the mistakes of history – especially the mistakes of others, i.e. Britain, which are easier to see and agree on than our own. Because we care about human rights and suffering. Because the United States may be sponsoring the opposition forces if we believe New Zimbabwe, – or not, according to the Voice of America which sends radio broadcasts into Zimbabwe twice daily. And did you know the United States (along with the European Union) currently has a travel ban and assets freeze on the country? (* see first comment)
Jenny Leis, formerly with City Repair and the Tryon Life Community Farm here in Portland, is currently traveling in Africa. See her photos and eyewitness reports from Harare, a city in Zimbabwe, and Kufunda Village, a very different lifestyle there.
Inflation went over 1000% per annum in May 2006, and is expected to go over 6000% by the end of this year according to Jenny’s report from inside the country. On payday, people spend all their money as fast as possible, as it’s worth less later that same day. The average life expectancy is 37 for both men and women.
Another reason for this post is to remind myself and you that life in Portland is really quite pleasant for most people. I hope you find joy in something this Sunday.