Next Up at City Council, May 9-10, 2007
Well, this is nice: next week’s Agenda for Portland City Council’s formal sessions shows the five spaces for Citizen Communications are all taken. The first is me urging No votes on all four Charter changes, then four speakers all testifying on “the application for the Portland Hempstalk event”. That link is for the 2006 event – apparently the organizers are having difficulty getting their permit for this year’s festival. I will probably stick around at Council to find out what’s up with that, and let you know.
The 9:30 a.m. Time Certain is ceremonial stuff for the Rose Festival. This is its 100th year, so I hope it’s especially good. The Festival, I mean. Then wham!, right into the TIME CERTAIN: 10:00 AM – Mayor’s message for FY 2007-08 proposed budget (Mayor convenes Budget Committee). Following the money, that’s what every good citizen should be doing first and foremost at this time, rather than having to spend time and energy explaining poorly-publicized Charter changes to voters. For Budget information, start here. The next item on the Wednesday morning agenda is TIME CERTAIN: 10:15 AM – Accept City Small Business Advisory Council annual report to City Council, so it looks like they aren’t expecting Budget-related testimony at this meeting. The more important session is on Thursday evening, the Community Budget hearing at Robert Gray Middle School off SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway. It begins at 6 p.m., or a little after. Comments taken on line using that link – even if you’re planning to go, do both, and send emails, to reinforce your request.
*519 Amend the FY 2006-07 budget by $500,000 to support property acquisition and site development for the Miracles Club (Ordinance). Hmm…. I moved this up the list from late on Wednesday morning’s Agenda, because it’s half a million dollars. An emergency ordinance, from Commissioner Saltzman. Now just hold up here. The decision for the City to help this worthy enterprise, which provides programs for people recovering from drug/alcohol addiction/abuse, was approved in concept by the Council in December 2006, according to this post on BlueOregon. How come it’s now on the Agenda in May, as an emergency ordinance?
There are a couple of appointments: 513 Confirm appointment of Linda Jefferson as the Fund Administrator of the Fire and Police Disability & Retirement Fund (Resolution introduced by Mayor Potter and Commissioners Adams, Leonard, Saltzman and Sten). I think this person replaces Babette Heeftle, who has been Interim Administrator. I was extremely impressed with Ms. Heeftle’s knowledge and abilities when she presented to City Council prior to the changes in the Fund’s structure. Ms. Jefferson must be outstanding.
514 Reappoint Sue Diciple to the Mt. Hood Cable Regulatory Commission for term to expire May 31, 2010. I include this because here’s another citizen, serving long hours with no compensation other than the satisfaction of helping to make a difference. We should all at least see their names once in a while.
Here’s one from Sam Adams: 517 Form a Motorcycle and Scooter Citizen Advisory Committee and adopt by-laws for committee structure and purpose. Betcha contacting Sam’s office right about now would be wise, if you want to be on it. A search on his site results in only this blog post, which I find hard to understand out of context.
And another from Sam, on Wednesday afternoon: 521 TIME CERTAIN: 2:00 PM – Accept a report on the Worksystems Inc. System Alignment Committee and give an update on the future budgetary impacts of workforce development for the City, Multnomah and Washington Counties. Gosh, sounds like some interbureau and even inter-agency coordination is happening, doesn’t it? How can that be possible without a Super-Strong Mayor structure for the Council?
Wednesday afternoon rounds out with two items affecting people experiencing homelessness: 522 TIME CERTAIN: 2:45 PM – Authorize contract with Dignity Village to manage transitional housing campground at Sunderland Yard, and the vote on last week’s Sit-Lie ordinance (no more testimony taken). The ordinance, which is likely to pass, is at …
Oh, rhubarb. PortlandOnLine stopped working for me. I’ll add the link to the Sit-Lie ordinance, and the following item, whenever it comes back up.
Update 7:47 p.m. Ok, it’s back. The Sit-Lie ordinance is here
Thursday afternoon at 2 p.m., the Council will hear the land use case for a site on SE Belmont. The appeal notice doesn’t give much information. Actually, it’s not an appeal, my mistake – for Comprehensive Plan Map amendments, the Council makes the first decision after a recommendation by the Hearings Officer. I don’t see the Hearings Officer’s report on line. My explanation of what the Comprehensive Plan Map is, here.