How Yes on 50 is playing in Seaside
We did a short canvass in Seaside at the close of Monday’s session, asking residents to sign up for Working America and then urging them to vote Yes on Measure 50.
Verbatim transcript of a conversation I had with an elderly gentleman at his front door:
Me: “I’m a Registered Nurse, and I want you to know about Measure 50, which adds a tax on cigarettes to pay for health care for poor sick children.”
Him: “You know what I don’t understand? Why don’t they put a tax on cigarettes to pay for health care?”
Me: “That’s what Measure 50 does.”
Him: “It does?”
Me: “Yes.”
Him: “So if I want a tax on cigarettes to pay for health care, I vote yes on Measure 50?”
Me: “Yes.”
Him: “Thank you, that’s all I need to know.”
Apparently the tobacco companies have confused Oregonians so much with their misleading ads, they can’t figure out what the Measure is saying. So it’s worth mentioning both the proposal and the opponents’ media blitz to your coworkers and neighbors, in case they are similarly bemused.