
Vote for Portland, Change the World

Sunnyside neighborhood volunteer Mary Ann Schwab alerted me to this HGTV site, where your click can help bring money and volunteers for improvements in less affluent areas of Southeast Portland. The three projects that would be funded here are the home of Serena Jimenez, a grandmother of American Indian and Scandinavian decent who cares for a disabled relative; the Sunnyside Children’s Club, a non-profit, sliding-scale day care providing much needed pre-kindergarten and after school care for families mostly with very low incomes; and Sunnyside Environmental School, a Portland Public School recently covered in the Portland Tribune.

Click here to vote for Portland over the other eight cities in the running (plus New Orleans, pre-selected). You may vote once per day, every day until December 21, 2007. Winners will be announced during the Rose Parade coverage in Pasadena on New Year’s Day.

I’ve added the link in the left sidebar, even above the Hunger Site tab. Are you clicking on The Hunger Site every day? If not, why not? It costs you nothing, and less than a minute of your day, to click through the Hunger Site, Breast Cancer Site, Child Health Site, Literacy Site, Rainforest Site, and Animal Rescue Site, enabling the sites to collect from sponsors. With these pages, your time/click really does make a difference.

Please visit the Change the World voting daily. And save some time on Presidents Day weekend to help out with the projects.

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