Survey on allowing cell towers by right in neighborhoods
See this survey on the Portland Bureau of Planning’s web site. It seeks feedback on whether to allow cell phone transmitters on regular (or higher) utility poles in residential neighborhoods, by right with no public input.
I worked hard on cell tower regulations during my seven years’ service on the Planning Commission, and I’ve heard the current regulations work in most cases. Further,
* I am concerned about potential health hazards of cell phones and transmitters. Federal regulations don’t allow consideration of health in this matter, so Zoning Code limitations keeping cell towers out of residential zones may be the only way to protect citizens.
* Many Portland neighbors would like existing wired utilities to be placed underground, with the poles removed. This would reduce loss of service in storms, improve aesthetics, and free more space for pedestrians. Undergroundng existing utilities would be more difficult if we allow new uses on old or higher poles in neighborhoods.
* The survey talks about increasing the allowed height of poles in residential areas, potentially by right with no remonstrance from neighbors.
As a side note, the survey suggests one way to cover new poles would be to plant roses or ivy to grow up them. Ivy??? Um, isn’t that a Prohibited Plant in the Portland Plant List?